September 8
9.5 miles
Tom, Shannon, Wyatt, Rich and Mike
Our first “leapfrog” hike.
We skipped the 16 mile stretch that would have come after our last hike
because that would require an overnight that our schedule did not permit. So, we hiked on a beautiful Sunday morning,
in a southwesterly direction atop Blue Mountain from Route 645 to Swatara Gap.
What began as a fairly smooth path turned rockier as our
walk progressed, and remained so for most of the duration. When the rocks subsided in sections, ferns
were everywhere, and the trail seemed overgrown and narrow—as if hikers had not
tramped down the path. But, indeed,
several hikers were out, and what seemed to be a few thru or long-distance
hikers. We didn’t have a chance to talk
to them, but I am guessing based on sight and smell—for they had not bathed in
some time!

Wyatt was ever the trooper and there was no lag in the
group—despite the terrain. Along the
way were two very picturesque overlooks of the valley below—and the day was
gorgeous. If there was a day that I
thought we would see a bear, or some wildlife, that was it---but there were no
As we neared Swatara Gap, the steep decline of the trail put
the shock absorbers in our human knee ligaments to the test (and I felt it for
a few days afterwards). Overall on this
hike, the trail descends from an elevation of 1500 feet to 500 feet, and the
last mile is half of that 1000 foot descent.

Nearer to the level ground, we passed under the high
overpasses of Route 81 and came upon a beautiful bridge that transverses the
Swatara Creek. There are several trails
in this area, and they make an excellent day hike. For those interested in exploring the
waterway, the Swatara Creek River Trail is a recreational waterway that runs
from Pine Grove to Middletown. In fact,
the first weekend in May is known as the “Swatara Sojourn”, and many canoeists
and kayakers make the trip during that weekend of food and fun.
After our wonderful day of hiking, Tom took a bus to D.C., and Shannon, Wyatt
and Rich headed for Pittsburgh.
Including the 16 we have to do behind us, we have about 123 miles to go!