Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Rt. 183 to Old Stage Coach Trail

May 18, 2014
8.5 miles
Tom, Rich, Wyatt and Mike

Six months since our last hike, after a treacherous winter and a delayed spring, we set out from Rt. 183  and headed east to the Old Stage Coach Trail, hiking atop Blue Mountain the entire way.

Along this 8 mile stretch, it was level but rocky for the duration, and mostly damp and wet due to the recent rains.  The dampness and overcast day made it a cool and comfortable day to meander this section of the AT straddles along the border of Schuylkill and Berks Counties.

The Pittsburgh crew of Tom, Rich and Wyatt arrived on Saturday evening and we enjoyed some time catching up before starting out at 9:45 on Sunday morning.  

Most notable was that we encountered only two other hikers---perhaps the fewest number of passersby in any segment thus far.

The hike remains at a nearly constant elevation of 1500 feet and lies almost entirely within the State Game Lands.  Nearing the end, just past the Eagles Nest Shelter, it enters the Weiser State Forest, named for the noted German-born pioneer Conrad Weiser, whose homestead is not far away in Berks County. For more information on the Weiser Forest, visit this link:

Because we decided to not do the entire 14 mile segment to Port Clinton, we hiked more than 8 miles and exited at the Old Stage Coach Trail.  The off-trail hike was another 1.5 miles south to the parking area at Forge Dam Road.   Our next few hikes will bring us to the 1000 foot decent at Port Clinton, across the Schuylkill River, and through the Hawk Mountain Sanctuary.

As we have two make-up segments behind us, totaling 19 miles, we have about 103 miles to go!

(Photo below: On our drive down the mountain, we passed this interesting barn with the attached "Evildoers Beware" sign. Good times in the Pennsylvania countryside!)